Thursday 21 April 2011

Kick In The Teeth - R.I.P Running Man

Something I have worked on for work experience will not be unveiled as my college's new gym logo due to similarities to a rival college's advert graphic. The main feature behind my Running Man is that it is a figure created using the initials 'S' and 'P' from the gym name 'Station Plaza Fitness' to make up the arms and legs of an athletic mascot. A shame Spencer (which I have named him) will not see the light of day and  a shame that I won't have something spectacular to add to my portfolio of work.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Album Art

Looking through my collection of CDs, I've noticed there is an overwhelming variety of album art. I love album art because it gives designers and artists so much freedom - anything at all could be album art. I managed to pick out my favourite and least favourite from my 50 CDs - first up is my favourite:

It says all it needs to say about the in your face, bold, loud music but in a stylish almost subtle way. The photograph is beautiful and the colours are a clever blueish/sepia tone. To top it off, it works well with the two different types of typography it has to work with.

And now my least favourite... do I really need to say why?

Saturday 16 April 2011

Another Identity?

In my very first post, I included a picture of my brand, my identity. However, since then I have learnt the limitations of a very curve-based logo and wanted something that I could adapt for business cards, letterheads, compliment slips and other stuff but at the same time keep the sleek, fashion-based image I went for with my first logo and I came up with this:

This is somehow more versatile than my rounded logo and looks very stylish IMO. It can be looked at and analysed in many different ways - some I'm sure I haven't even seen yet! Hopefully it can be used in all the ways I plan for it to be.

Creative Advertising

I always used to look to modern advertising for inspiration, especially during A-Level. I usually think of Graphic Designers in the advertising field as the most creative-thinking of all, especially when the adverts use the environment around them. Why suddenly post this now? I came across this excellent example the other day, and it happens to be one of my favourites.

Thursday 14 April 2011

World Cup Trophy

After Man U sent Chelsea crashing out of the Champions League earlier this week, I feel it is a good time to post a football-related piece of work. I created a World Cup Trophy replica out of pasta to promote Italy's hopes in last year's terrible 2010 World Cup. I was more than happy with the way it came out:

Maybe a Euro 2012 trophy next year? Or not...