Wednesday 30 March 2011

Something amazing I just found

I dunno about anyone else, but I found this casual shirt stunning. I've seen similar designs and ideas, but never executed this well. It's a South Korean design, which supports my belief that South Koreans are the coolest people in the world. Behind Italians. Anyway, I love the lines on the shirt - it made me want to do something Graphic just with the lines this particular picture gives. Sounds crazy, but I've never felt like this before about a shirt. Obviously, I have one on order.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Can I Just Say...

I know this blog looks terrible. The fonts they give you are horrible. The quality of images you can upload is also appauling. And the panels and stuff are terrible. I couldn't want to do anything less than write a blog, but the conditions I have to work with here just add insult to injury! Plus I'm ranting like an old man for the first time in my life and that can't be a good thing. Oh well, I might as well chuck in some work at the end of this... Here's something I worked on recently:

They're design concepts for a heart box, for a male aged 18-21. The idea behind this is that the heart is a precious thing, and patients in need of a transplant would find comfort in it being transported in a strong object, such as a metal male torso replica.

Finally made a blog!

Although it was because I was forced to - I'm not posting my mind because I want to. Also I feel like no one's ever gonna see this and I'm just talking to myself. However, I'm glad I got to put the name FATT to good use once it wasn't chosen for our college newsletter. Good thing I remembered it - I was about to call the blog 'Pirates Are So 2004' because I couldn't think of anything better.

Other than that complete waste of an opening paragraph, how else am I meant to start a blog? I can't be bothered to talk about what type of Graphic Designer I am yet, so I'll just express it through the logo I created for myself. For now.